Thursday, January 30, 2020

Unemployment and Skills Essay Example for Free

Unemployment and Skills Essay Obtaining a degree from institute of higher education in local or overseas has become necessary in order to get a good job with nice salary. However, a quite alarming issue is a high unemployment rate among graduate in this country. Many factors have been identified as being the causes for the increase in the unemployment rate among university graduates. Having straight â€Å"A’s† is no longer enough to secure a job or to give one a competitive edge in career advancement. These are the issues on unemployment among Malaysian graduates. Lack of social and communication skill in addition to a poor command of language and low level of confidence. Many graduates had achieved excellent academic results but could not secure employment without the relevant skills required in the labour market. 2. The lack of experience and skills are the causes leading to the unemployment of graduate’s. In Malaysia, the private sector today is not interested in recruiting local graduates because they lack several important skills, such as the capacity to communicate well in English, a lack of ICT proficiency, and a lack of interpersonal skills. 3. Another issue that contributes to unemployment is inability to solve problem efficiently. This is tied to skills without skills, you have nothing to apply to solve a problem efficiently. This can be linked to the simple example of partial fractions. If you have the skills, you can dissect a fraction into its partial fraction quickly. Without, and you spend time dividing, which takes more time than a person with skills would have took. 4. Then the graduates themselves demand too much. The idea of a degree is contorted to such that a degree means good jobs, and that graduates deserve the jobs. Little do these group understand that while a person with degree in Engineering with First Class Honours may have the luxury of demanding a job (or they would be headhunted even before they start looking for a job), those who possess Pass with Merit arent in that same bunch, and that sad to say, their degree is indeed of a lower quality than the First Class. This is made even worse with those who have these degrees, in addition to having little skills, start blaming companies for not hiring them. . The mismatch between qualification acquired and current job market demand also cause the unemployment among graduates. Colleges and higher learning institutions should make sure that their syllabuses were relevant to the present industrial needs. It was therefore very important for learning institutions to conduct some research on the actual needs of the various industries to prevent students from taking up irrelevant courses which in the end would lead to unemployment among graduates. In conclusion the increasing unemployment rate among the graduates in Malaysia is a worrying trend. For many years, the issue cropped up again and again, made the news headlines, and even hit the parliament. The days have passed when a degree scroll can become your automatic passport to employment. Higher education is no longer a symbol of career success. This may sound painful for graduates but let’s face it. It is reality, no matter how harsh it may appear. According to Dacre Pool ; Sewell, 2007 â€Å"employability is having of skills, knowledge, understanding and personal attribute that make a person more likely to choose and secure occupations in which they can be satisfied and successful† and Yorke, 2006 â€Å"A set of achievements of skills, understanding and personal attributes, that will make graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy†. Malaysia is a world class education system appears to have produced unemployable graduates with 90% of them are bumiputera. In 2010, about 30,000 graduates could not find a job six month after they graduate. There are several ways to Improve Graduate employability; 1. Use of democratic instructional strategies (Singh;Singh,2008) such as role playing, simulations, problem solving exercises and case studies methods of promoting discussions among students and minimum the lectures class. By involve all the students in the class, it will make the class becomes lively. 2. To develop graduate skills and expertise such as in ICT proficiency are by working as temporary contract, doing an internship and other work experience. Both unpaid work experience and paid internship it’s a way to improve the important skills for the workplace and a stop-gap to avoid holes in jobseeker’ CVs whilst they are searching for permanent employment. 3. The implementation of the assessment of soft skills in public universities, such as in UPM there is a program for final year student called as finishing school that is compulsory to attend to before they graduate. These programs are providing a presentation in classes, encouraging problem-based learning and others. 4. Find out the most popular interview questions. There are some interview questions that will be used in most interviews. Use the internet to research common interview questions, and then develop clear, structured and intellectual answers. Next, practise the answers in front of a mirror, a friend or a family member to become confident in your answers. 5. Graduates must be ready. They have to find out which skills are currently required by employers. By reading up-to-date literature on what businesses are looking for in a person’s skill set, they can stay ahead of the game. The more information graduates gain, the easier they will satisfy the employers. 6. Graduates must expose themselves by pay a visit to a career centre. Career centres are designed to offer advice and direction for those who are seeking to gain employability skills. Once enrolled, you can begin a course which is specific to the skill you require. In conclusion as an intellectual graduate, they must fully prepare mentally and physically towards the unforeseen future. Graduates have to be more creative about how they build their prospects after university. They must endeavour to develop their skills and make contacts wherever possible, and remain focused on exactly what will make them more employable for their chosen market. Job prospects are perhaps not as bleak as the world would have graduates think, but they must be prepared to rise to the challenge and prove themselves well-equipped for the world of work.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Howl by Allen Ginsberg Essay -- Poetry Poems

"Howl": How the Poem Came to Be and How it Made Allen Ginsberg Famous When Allen Ginsberg sat down at a secondhand typewriter in 1955 and began the first of his many subsequent drafts of "Howl," he had no idea of the controversy it would cause. I fact, he didn't even set out to write a formal poem and especially not one that he would consider publishing. Instead, what the 29 year old began would materialize into his most famous literary work and the cause of a much publicized trial debating the first amendment right to freedom of speech. The events of Ginsberg's life and the events going on in the world around him inspired and prepared him to write "Howl," but perhaps one of the most important factors contributing to the poem and the author's fame was the surge in interest in writing, reading, and listening to poetry, which came to be known as the San Francisco Poetry Renaissance. The poem that caused the great controversy over obscenity in literature is a four part series of separate works, written mostly at different times that complete a series of ideas, which Judge Clayton Horn considered to have socially redeeming value. In the author's own words, the poem is an 'affirmation' of individual experience of God, sex, drugs, absurdity etc. Part I deals sympathetically with individual cases. Part II describes and rejects the Moloch of society which confounds and suppresses individual experience and forces the individual to consider himself mad if he does not reject his own deepest senses. Part III is an expression of sympathy and identification with C.S. [Carl Solomon] who is in the madhouse -- saying that his madness basically his rebellion against Moloch and I am with him, and extending my hand in union. This is an affir... ...ibliography Cassady, Carolyn. Off the Road. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1990. Cherkovski, Neeli. Ferlinghetti: A Biography. New York: Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1979. Eberhart, Richard and Allen Ginsberg. To Eberhart from Ginsberg. Massachusetts: Penmaen Press, 1976. French, Warren. The San Francisco Poetry Renaissance, 1955-1960. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1991. Gifford, Barry, ed. As Ever: The Collected Correspondence of Allen Ginsberg to Neal Cassady. Berkeley: Creative Arts Book Company, 1977. Ginsberg, Allen. Howl and Other Poems. San Francicso: City Lights, 1956. Miles, Barry, ed. Howl. New York: Harper Perennial, 1995. Schumacher, Michael. Dharma Lion: A Critical Biography of Allen Ginsberg. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992. Simpson, Louis. A Revolution in Taste. New York: Macnillian Publishing Company, Inc., 1978.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Organisational Business Practices Essay

Organization is a principle of life. We seek the help of organizations to meet our day to day requirements such as to feeding, clothing, educating entertaining, protecting etc. However, organizations are not contemporary creations. Modern society has more organizations which are fulfilling a larger category of societal and personal needs. Organizations are so encompassing in the modern life that it is sometimes easy to overlook that each may be regarded as an entity with a specific contribution and specific goals. Organization is a system of consciously coordinated activities of two or more persons in order to achieve a common goal. It is a system of four major internal interacting components such as: task, people, technology and structure. Organizations are said to be open systems. A number of metaphors can be used to think and explain about the nature of organization. There are eight archetypical metaphors of organization: Machines, Organisms, Brains, Cultures, Political Systems, Psychic Prisons, Flux and Transformation, Instruments of Domination. General Discussion Document: Director of Marketing is proposing to introduce a new process of sales at Superior Sales Corporation for which there will be changes as per the present set up. Staff are likely to resist the change hence some suggestions are placed to reduce the resistance. Organization Structure: Functional superiority can only be achieved if there is enough reliability and focus within each business unit. Elites are those specialized organizational units with closeness to power and having superior capability. Their functions signify a particular organization’s typical capability. It is, important that more than one such elite function exist. They need to be complementary so as to make sure that they serve as a check on another. Pluralist are those essential forces that play a important role in decision making. The tension that is created amongst these forces stimulates thoughts and lead to self-improvement and competitiveness, Elite functions bring main strengths to an organization, but must assist with the whole to attain shared results. The stronger and more competent the elites are, the more difficult it is to achieve cross-functional teamwork. The organization’s challenge is therefore to ensure that these functions are on a par with that of competition, but at the same time they need to ensure that they respond to market demands by cutting across these functional compartments. Organization Cultures: Organizations are mini-societies that have their own distinctive patterns of culture. Culture is a modern concept used in a social sense to refer broadly to civilization and social system. Its increasing use within the social sciences has led to definitions of varying generality, which develop in a host of ways. Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. There is a growing literature of relevance how organization can be understood as a cultural phenomenon. It is valuable to understand the relationship between culture and industrialization. The greatest strength of this metaphor is that it shows how organizations rests in shared systems of meaning, values, ideologies, beliefs and other social practices that ultimately shape and guide organized action. Reactive and Proactive Changes: Forces for change arise out of an organization’s interaction with elements in its external or internal environment. The action of competitors, suppliers, government units or public groups may have substantial impacts on change. Social and cultural factors such as life styles, values or beliefs also lead to important changes. Forces of change may also arise from within an organization depending upon different phases of growth or demands made by different interest groups. Reactive changes occur when these forces make it necessary for a change to be implemented. Proactive change takes place when some forces to change lead an organization to conclude that a particular change is desirable and goes about in initiating the change in a planned manner. The difference between reactive and proactive changes corresponds to that between reflexive behavior and purposive behavior. Reactive change, like reflexive behavior, involves a limited part of the system whereas proactive change and purposive behavior coordinate the parts of the system as a whole. Organizational change has noted that many participants respond with dogged resistance to altering the status quo. In the industrial phenomenon workers have at times sought, in extremely violent fashion, to block the introduction of new technology. Supervisors and lower level managers have balked at large scale projects in job redesign and job enrichment; even low level employees, the presumed beneficiaries of such projects, have fought such changes. Senior managers have fought pitched battles against realignment of corporate structure. Even the proposal by a course coordinator to adopt a different style of presenting the report is capable of touching off a frenzy of defensive tactics to resist change. Such behavior may be either overt or covert. Overt resistance may take the form of employees deliberately failing to do the things necessary for successful change or simply being unenthusiastic about the change. The absence of overt resistance does not mean that resistance is not present, as resistance may be hidden from direct observation. Covert resistance can be more detrimental to change than open resistance because it is harder to identify and eliminate. There are at least two sets of factors which explain the process of resistance. One set relates to the personality and the other relates to the social system. Decreasing the Resistance: Managers who have been responsible for implementation have developed personal perspective consisting of assumption and strong feelings about how change should be introduced. These philosophies fall into two camps, either tops-down or bottoms-up. The Tops-down Strategy: The advocates of this strategy believe that, in general, people resist changes and require direction and structure for their well being as well as to work efficiently and effectively. The basic psychological contract between employees and management, it is assumed, is one in which the employee provides work, effort and commitment and expects in return pay, benefits, and a clear definition of what is expected to be done. It follows that it is the management’s responsibility to design the changes it deems appropriate and to implement these thoroughly but quickly by directives from the top. The Bottoms-up Strategy The advocates of this approach profess what to them is a more enlightened view of human nature. They argue that people welcome change and the opportunity to contribute to their own productivity, especially if the change gives them more variety in their work and more autonomy. These managers assume people have a psychological contract which includes an expectation that they be involved in designing change as well as in implementing it. Commitment to change, they say, follows from involvement in the total change process and is essential to successful implementation.

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Highest Reward That God Gives Us For Good Work

â€Å"The highest reward that GOD gives us for good work, is the ability to do the work.† Elbert Hubbard (brainy quote insert). It has always been important for me to connect to spiritualty with my success. I feel as if you put your physical and mental power in your work or success, but the spiritual power from the universe is important to me. To explain the quote above, it simply describes the amount of effort you put into your passion may be good enough to get a person through the moment, but the universe always allows growth for the individual to do better. I am a good/average B/C worker, I found myself fitting into 5 out of the 10 categories of the common list of the common reasons students don’t graduate, and discovering these truths about myself I found out about the awareness of emotional intelligence and how it plays a major role in who I am. To commence with, a good worker or a B student and an average or a C student are the categories I settled into when I rev iewed page 66 of the text. I am personally not satisfied with the results revealed and as a growing individual I shouldn’t just settle for mediocre work. Finding that balance between good and great work is important, but I don’t want to balance average and great work. With the results given I found myself reflecting on certain moments in which I give average work and those moments are when I’m exhausted or when I try to complete a task and get distracted. An example of how I minimize myShow MoreRelatedFactors That Affect The Workplace Or At Home826 Words   |  4 Pagesthings that happen, which cause negative effects in the workplace or at home. What people must remember is that as Christians we should always look for the good and pray to the Lord to help guide us. Without his guidance, we would be lost. 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